For all generations the Coronavirus pandemic is life-altering. For Gen Z the effects of this crisis are extremely profound as it disrupts their entry into adulthood and no doubt, exacerbates anxiety that already is characteristic of this cohort of our society.
As a brand founded with the wellness of this generation at its core, how they are coping during this unprecedented time is at the top of our mind. We asked our resident team of Gen Z interns and contributors to share their views on the Covid-19 pandemic, how its impacting their lives now and how they anticipate it will impact their future lives.
What we've seen so far is that our Gen Z customers have resolve and are remaining strong. While their generation is often marked by anxiety and mental health issues, there remains a reassuring level of positivity and optimism amongst our contributors which is inspiring.
Our Gen Z customers seem to be moulding lifelong core values from this unique, collective experience during the most formative years fo their lives. These values will drive them from here forward, every cause they support, purchase they make, choice they opt for in life, will be influenced by their experience during this pandemic.
31st State has always been a brand by and for this generation. We remain committed to providing an unedited platform for their opinions and views with this new project, Gen Z, The Corona Diaries.
We hope that you will enjoy reading the insights of our writers and how they are responding to the biggest medical crisis of our time.